“Messiah” (HWV 56) by George Frideric Handel.Art of the Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach.We’ve teamed up with the Music Department here at Southern Miss to bring you a list of 8 classical music pieces that you, as a music major, need to know! 8 Classical Music Pieces Every Music Major Should Know So today, let’s take a moment to really dive in to the music that influenced it all! From Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra to The Beatles and Elvis Presley, where would they be without the influence of Beethoven and Bach? This emotional foundation is what paved the way for our melodical icons today. You can truly understand what the composer was feeling when they created the song. No words have to be spoken and still classical music can evoke the feeling of happiness, sadness, or torment. Click the card to flip 1 / 60 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by nellie621 Terms in this set (60) Classicism, as a stylistic period in western music, roughly encompassed the years 1750-1820. Everyday you probably hear the subtle nuances of classical music in all genres even your favorite metal band.Ĭlassical music taps into our primal emotions unlike any other kind of genre of music. However, the world of classical music is much more extensive, and it opens to an uninitiated mind in all its diversity if only one gets a little deeper into the space of sound. Scholars and fans vary on the rest, but those listed below are often regarded as some of the most significant. The most famous classical compositions are often performed on TV, radio, and some snatches can even be heard in commercials and modern pop-music. You’re around symphonies, marching bands, operas, recitals, and musicals constantly. The three composers that consistently appear in the top spots are Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart. Featuring Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin. As as music major, we know you can appreciate what classical music has to offer. Essential tracks from the most notable classical works ever recorded - both old and new.